Monday 19 September 2016

Research Techniques

Research Techniques

Audience profiling is important to game designers because when releasing a new product you can't just release without knowing who your target audience is.
My group made a quantitative and qualitative paper questionnaires to find out more about people that played Pokemon Go!

Audience Profiling
Audience profiling is divided into three sections, there is demographics, geodemographics and psychographics. Audience profiling allows for us to understand

This type of audience profiling is the more common and traditional method of audience profiling. This largely defines the adult population by the kind of work they do. 


This type of audience profiling bases it's data on where ever it is the person lives. 
It's segmentation is based on two principles.
It says that people who live in the same neighbourhood are much more likely to have the same characteristics as two people who are randomly picked. 


This type of audience profiling is a way that researchers use to describe their audiences by looking at the way they behave and by their personal traits.

Quantitative Research 
Quantitative questions tend to ask specific and narrow (closed) questions which is a way that people collect numerical data from the people who answer the questions you have laid out. With this type of questionnaire it's useful for finding out about how many people play the game for how many hours a day. This helps researchers to analyse the data with the help of some statistics. 

Quantitative template

Quantitative questionnaire answered

Quantitative results 1 

Quantitative results 2

Qualitative Research 
Unlike quantitative research, qualitative research ask its audience more broad (open) questions which then collects peoples opinions as data in a word format. This is a good way to research as to why people play the game that the questionnaire is about.

Qualitative template 

Qualitative questionnaire answered

Qualitative questionnaire answers

Focus Group Discussion

This focus group was organised by our teacher and it was to get our opinion on whether games have a bad effect on people or why they do because there are always mixed opinions about this topic and the question the statement that we had to discuss about is down below.
statement that we discussed about:
‘Video games are having a negative effect upon the younger generation in today’s society. Explicit sexual and violent content, bad language and the objectification of women and men is leading to worrying trends in behaviour – addiction, isolation and aggression. More regulation is required urgently to clamp down on this problem.’

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