Tuesday 11 October 2016

HA9 Task 2 - Audience Response

For this Task I asked a good friend of mine who has played my chosen game which is League of Legends questions about the games construction.

1. For my first question I asked him what the genre of the game was and why he thought that was the genre of the game and he responded by saying "I think that the genre of the game is MOBA because the map is divided into three different sections or lanes as we call it in LoL"

This is what the map/mini map of League of Legends looks like.

2. For my second question I asked him the reason why he started playing League of Legends, what caught his eye and what reeled him into playing the game. His response was "I first encountered the game when a friend of mine came over to my house and while he was waiting for the game to load the loading screen showed the splash arts of the characters and that immediately interested me but then when he actually played the game the characters were exactly the same as they showed on their splash art and I was  so amazed because that was the first I saw something like that and then after it I downloaded the game and started playing it."

This shows that a games visuals really count as a part of it's selling point. 

3. For my third question I asked him why he thought that certain structures were placed and what makes them so significant to the game. His response was "Well I think that some things are placed the way they are because it's typical for MOBA games to be like that, like how they divide the map in three sections, but there are some significant parts in it like if you kill a  jungle monster you get a buff which is also quite typical for MOBA games but I think the design of things is what makes MOBA games different from each other."

4. For my fourth question I asked him what he expects a MOBA game to look like or play out and he responded with "I think for MOBA games because League of Legends was my first MOBA game I expect other MOBA games to have the same mechanics or at least similar so that it won't be too hard for me to figure out." 

5. For my fifth and final question I asked if there was anyway he thinks that the game has ever offended someone because of the characters dialogues. His response was "I don't think so... if anything I think players enjoy it when a character says or does something weird or unusual, and I think it's great that they design an give each character their own personality and creative dialogues to go along with it." 

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