Tuesday 11 October 2016

HA8 Task 3 - Conclusion

For my secondary research I researched what I could find about the audience that League of Legends was catering for and I found out that although the age rate for League of Legends 12+ from a graph I got from IMDb it showed that it catered more for people aged 18-30 and over. This also shows that age or gender doesn't matter when it comes to games, this also showed that there much more male players than female players that play the game but this does not mean that there are less female gamers in the world, it could just for this particular type of game which I feel like is just a bit more appealing to the male population. Another thing I found out was that people have different views about what the games actual age rate should be with parents saying that it should be 15+ but with children saying that it's fine being 12+, I can see where the parents concerns are coming from but from personal point of view I think that the game has very minimum amount of blood or gore, also in terms of sexual content there is no nudity whatsoever but admittedly there are characters who have splash arts that show a lot of skin but it's normal for these type of games. I also found a statement where the person basically "warns" the parents about the game saying what they should know about the game but in some parts the person exaggerates. Another thing that I found out was that League of Legends is played for a cumulative average of over 1 billion hours in a month by its players around the world.

For my primary research I made a questionnaire of  my own and sent it to my friends.
All my participants we're all between the ages of 15-20 in which 50% of them were still in a two year undergraduate education, all of the participants lived in the same city but different areas in which I realized that I could've done something to make this more specific. I realized that in the end the my questionnaire has many flaws in it because of the fact that its an online questionnaire I don't know exactly who answered which because I don't have their names so it's harder to know whether the particular participant is a male of a female in which this questionnaire is more on the quantitative side of data gathering because most of the information are only good for numbers.

Apart for some questions some of the questions allowed me to take some quantitative data like for the last question it asks the participant which category they think they fell in from the 7 options that I gave them, the options were between: Mainstreamers (those who seek security), Aspirers (those who seek status), Succeeders (those who seek control), Resigned (those who seek survival), Explorers (Those who seek discovery), Strugglers (those who seek escape), Reformers (those who seek enlightenment). Now these options all have different meaning like mainstreamers they seek security in terms of games this could mean that they play games to kind of make themselves feel better about something. For reformers they seek enlightenment which could mean that in game terms they play games in hopes of learning something from it and it could be anything. For strugglers in which most of my participants chose which I also think is one of the categories that I fall into play games to escape reality and enter a world of endless possibilities away from reality's problems.

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