Monday 3 October 2016

HA8 Task 2 - Primary Research

with the secondary research that I conducted I found out that 90% of League of Legends players are male and that 85% of them are aged between 16 and 30 but with the primary research that I conducted you can see that there are more females than males but this data alone doesn't tell me whether they actually play leave of legends or not which is the same for the age because even though it might say that all of the participants were between the ages of 15 and 20 it still doesn't tell me if they play League of Legends or not. 

With the primary research that I conducted it shows that my participants lived around the same area which might come in relation to the fact that just because you live in the same area means that you are most likely to play same type of game. 

With the secondary research I found out that 60% are either enrolled or have completed some college. From my questionnaire it showed that 50% of the participants were enrolled at a full time 2 year undergraduate college/university. The 40% were half not enrolled and the other half being enrolled part-time at a 2 year undergraduate college/university. The 10% is full time at a graduate school with one of the participants skipping the question.   

Here it shows that five of my participants are in part-time employment, two in full-time, two chose the non-applicable option and two skipped the question.  

 Here it shows that five of them are casual gamers, two are hardcore gamers, four non-gamers and two participants skipped the question. 

Here it shows that nearly all of the participants heard of the game from the a friend with only one hearing about it from a sibling. 

 From my secondary research I found out that League of Legends had an average worldwide play hour of 1+ billion every month. Here you can see that 6 of the participants play an average of 1-3 hours of the game with one being 4-6. The four comments bellow are most likely from the non-gamers that answered my questionnaire. 

This image shows that only three of the participants have actually spent money on the game and the rest saying they haven't. 

Here it shows that most of the participants considered themselves to be strugglers and strugglers seek escape and to me in terms of games I think that some people play games to escape reality and be submerged in the endless world of games because in games you can be anything you want to be.  

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